At RP Home Inspections, we are competent and fully trained in the proper operation of all commonly found home systems. These systems include:
Structural Components (foundations, floors, and walls)
Exterior Components (siding, paint, windows, decks, garage doors, etc.)
Roofing (coverings, flashings, gutters, downspouts, chimneys, etc.)
Plumbing (supply and waste water piping, fixtures, faucets, water flow & pressure, hydronic & forced air heating systems and fuel storage systems, etc.)
Electrical (service wiring, main service panels,copper and aluminum conductors, switches, receptacles, etc.)
Heating equipment (safety controls, distribution systems, venting & combustion air, chimneys, etc.)
Air conditioning and Heat Pumps (cooling and air-handling equipment, controls)
Interior (walls, partitions, ceilings, floors,stairs, railings, doors, windows, etc.)
Insulation and Ventilation (attics, walls, floors, foundations, kitchen and bathrooms)
Beyond Home Inspection...
Extensive as a home inspection is, it is not all-inclusive. Depending on your level of concern, age, and location of the house, you may want to consider the following optional services, which generally can be performed with the home inspection.
Radon Testing $140.00 According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA), radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. The radioactive gas, commonly found in the soil has become a major healthe concern for home buyers. Make sure the inspector is familiar with EPA protocols and uses only approved equipment.
Water Testing (bacteria or lead) $100 Lead Base Paint test $100 Sewer Scope $100 Water Sample $50
Carbon Monoxide Testing
This "silent killer" may be an issue in homes using fossil fuels (gas or oil) to heat the furnace. You can 't see or smell carbon monoxide. It can only be detected with an analyzer. A clean, properly installed, and properly working ventilation system minimizes the chance of carbon monoxide in the home. Have your home inspected.